About the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources Library and its Collection
The Centre for Industrial Relations Library was established in 1967. Its first librarian, Jean Newman, created an Information Service to support reference consultations over the phone. In addition to academic researchers, registered members of the industrial relations community were permitted to use the service. Dorothy Newman was hired in 1968, and when both Newmans retired, the library was named in their honour.
Today, The Jean and Dorothy Newman Industrial Relations and Human Resources Library (IRHR Library) supports the needs of students, faculty and staff of the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources (CIRHR or The Centre). It also serves the University of Toronto community as a member of the University of Toronto Library System (UTL). External researchers are welcomed.
The collection focuses on labour relations and collective bargaining, human resource management, labour law, labour economics, industrial psychology and sociology, women and minorities in the workforce, and includes a labour union archive. It is the only library in Canada with dedicated collection focusing on all aspects of the world of work.
Contact Us
General Inquiries Telephone: 416-946-7003 Email: cirhr.library@utoronto.ca |
Danielle Van Wagner, Librarian Email: danielle.vanwagner@utoronto.ca |
Sarah Morgan Cataloguing, Research & Resource Services Library Technician Telephone: 416-978-0191 Email: sarah.clarkmorgan@utoronto.ca |
Library Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Closed statutory holidays
Building Address & Library Spaces
Centre for Industrial Relations & Human Resources Library
121 St George Street
Toronto, Ontario, M5S-2E8
Nearest Intersection: Bloor Street West and St. George Street.
Subway Station: St. George.
Parking: St. George Campus Parking Map or Green P metered street parking is available.
Accessibility: The Industrial Relations and Human Resources Library is located in an Victorian house which has accessibility challenges. The Centre is only accessible by stairs and the library spaces are divided between two floors.The IRHR Library strives to provide support to everyone, regardless of their ability to physically access the library. Please contact us and we will work with you to support your information needs.
Study Spaces: The IRHR Library offers five study spaces within The Centre. A mix of group tables and individual study carrels are available. Electrical outlets are available at most seats. The IRHR Library is a conversational noise space. Dedicated silent studying space is not possible due to the open nature of the Centre.
Technology: The IRHR Library has three computer workstations that can be accessed by students registered within one of the CIRHR programs. Printing is available via these workstations at the cost of 10 cents per page. Photocopying is available for 10 cents per exposure. Payment is taken by the T-Card+ system. Scan-to-USB is available for free. UTORid Wi-Fi is available.
The IRHR Library produces two publications:
The CIRHR's PWR: work&labour news&research is a weekly publication which provides updates from The Centre; links to IR/HR research, datasets, and other information resources; community recommendations on articles to read, videos to watch, and podcasts to hear; external events; and calls for contributions. It is distributed by Mail Chimp and anyone can register to receive the newsletter.
The IRHR Library Newsletter is a monthly publication which provides updates on the latest library acquisitions, resource profiles, LibrarySearch tips and tricks, and research workshops and training. It is distributed to current students, faculty, and staff of The Centre, but anyone can subscribe.
Library Policies
General Policies: The IRHR Library and its users agree to abide by the following University of Toronto Libraries policies:
- University of Toronto Library Conduct Regulations.
- University of Toronto Libraries Online Community Guidelines
- Online Privacy and Data Collection
- Policy on Accessing Pornographic Materials
IRHR Food & Drink Policy: Library users may bring into the library drinks which are contained within a closed lid bottle. Snacks are permitted within the spaces, however meals are to be consumed in The Centre's basement kitchen. Please dispose of all waste in the provided receptacles.
Lost & Found Policy: All materials found within the library or are submitted to library staff will be kept for a minimum of 30 days prior to disposal.
Book Donation Policy: The IRHR Library welcomes donations that support its existing IR/HR collection. Accepted donated material becomes the property of the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources Library, and the library has the right to dispose of unwanted material, including, passing along the items to another library or giving the material to one of the University of Toronto Bibliomania Book Sales. Material that cannot be reused or redistributed will be recycled. All donations must be in good condition.