Labour history

Canadian Labour Studies Index. The Labour Studies Index is a searchable open-access index of recent publications in Canadian labour studies. It covers books, book chapters, journal articles, reviews, commissioned reports, and theses. The Index was compiled by Desmond Maley and Dan Scott, both of whom are librarians at Laurentian University, with the assistance of student researchers in the Laurentian Labour Studies program.

Canadian Committee on Labour History. Includes selected reading lists from Cdn. Labour history courses at the university level.

Canadian Labour History 1850 -1999 by the Canadian Museum of History (online illustrated overview in 5 parts, with graphics).

Canadian Labour History Bibliography compiled by Michael Lonardo, Memorial University of Newfoundland (searchable online)

Canada's Digital Collections Note: Digitization projects on a wide variety of subjects were sponsored by the federal government, including:

Cradle of Collective Bargaining: History of Labour and Technology in Hamilton and District. Produced for Schoolnet Digital Collections by McMaster University 's Labour Studies Program. Includes photos and essays regarding The Siege of 46 (The Stelco Strike), Women, Work and Unions in Hamilton , and Working in Hamiton.

Guide to Canadian Labour History Resources by the National Library of Canada.

Industrial Hamilton: a trail to the future. Digital collection by the Hamilton Public Library.

United Steelworkers of America - Canada. Produced as part of the federal government Digital Collections initiative. Includes archival materials and highlights of the collective agreements database. Created in 1996.

Workers Art and Heritage Centre, Hamilton. Information about the Centre and its exhibits.

Workers History Museum, Ottawa