What's on This Page
The following are free online resources to keep up to date with current business and employment news. Note that many provide free email alerting services.
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Canadian Business Magazine
A magazine outlet that offers insight on technology, innovation, leadership, lifestyle and more.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital magazine articles
- Political stance: Centre-Left
- Topics covered: people, ideas, design
Access the Canadian Business Magazine (June 2018 - present) via University of Toronto Libraries' LibrarySearch - An external link that will bring you directly to the Canadian Business Magazine's section on the UTL website.
The University of Toronto Libraries also has access to archived publications of the Canadian Business Magazine from January 1993 - January 2017.

Canadian HR Reporter
Discover Human Resources news, trends & advice created with Canadian HR professionals in mind.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Online news articles
- Political stance:
- Topics covered: automation/AI, compensation and benefits, conflict management, culture and engagement, diversity, employment law, HR technology, labour relations, leadership/succession planning, legislation, payroll, people analytics, performance management, recognition, recruitment and staffing, relocation/travel, retention, safety, training and development, wellness/mental health

CBC News
An outlet for the news gathering and production of news programs about national and international affairs.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Online news articles
- Political stance: Liberal
- Topics covered: regional, national, and international news coverage, and investigative, politics, business, arts and entertainment, investigative, politics, business, entertainment, Indigenous, health, science and tech news

The Globe and Mail
A national news company that engages in national discussions through it's features on national and international news.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Daily broadsheet/digital articles
- Political stance: Centre-Left
- Topics covered: Canada, world news, business, investing, opinion, politics, sports, life, arts, drive, real estate
Access The Globe and Mail via the University of Toronto Libraries' LibrarySearch- An external link that will bring you directly to the The Globe and Mail's section on the UTL website.

Government of Canada News
News published by the Government of Canada from various services and sectors.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: news releases, media advisory, speeches, readouts, statements
- Political stance: Centre
- Topics covered: Jobs and the workplace, immigration and citizenship, travel and tourism, business and industry, benefits, health, taxes, environment and natural resources, national security and defence, culture and history, policing, transport and infrastructure, Canada and the world, money and finances, science and innovation

A news outlet that highlights international affairs, social issues, national politics, business and culture
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital magazine articles
- Political stance: Centre-Left
- Topics covered: Politics, Canadian News, Economy, Education, Society
Access Maclean's via the ABI/INFORM Collection on ProQuest - An external link that will bring you directly to Maclean's section on the IBM/INFORM Collection on ProQuest.

National Post
A Canadian daily newspaper company that delivers world news.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Daily broadsheet/digital articles
- Political stance: Centre-Right
- Topics covered: News and Politics
Access the National Post via the University of Toronto Libraries' LibrarySearch - An external link that will bring you directly to the National Post's section on UTL's website.

OHS Canada
A national media outlet about occupational health and safety.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital magazine articles
- Political stance:
- Topics covered:

Ottawa Citizen
A newspaper media outlet based in Ottawa, Ontario.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Daily broadsheet/digital articles
- Political stance: Centre-Right
- Topics covered: City news, world news, sports, arts, business, food, driving, technology, homes & condos
Access the Ottawa Citizen via the University of Toronto Libraries' LibrarySearch - An external link that will bring you directly to the Ottawa Citizen's section on UTL's website.

Toronto Star
A Canadian newspaper company reporting on news that Canadian life, community, country and world better.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Daily broadsheet/digital articles
- Political stance: Liberal
- Topics covered: Local and national news, world news, politics, life, sports, entertainment, business, investigations
Access the Toronto Star via University of Toronto Libraries' LibrarySearch - An external link that will bring you directly to the Toronto Star's page on LibrarySearch.
International News
BBC News Online
The British Broadcasting Corporation, responsible for the gathering and broadcasting of news and current affairs.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Daily broadsheet/digital articles
- Political stance: Centre
- Topics covered: Climate, world, US and Canada, UK, Business, Technology, Science

Bloomsberg: Business Week
A business magazine that provides financial data services about global economics, companies and industries, politics and policy, technology, markets and finance, innovation and design, and lifestyle.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital magazine articles
- Political stance: Leaning-Left
- Topics covered: Markets, Technology, Politics, Wealth
Access Bloomsberg: Business Week via Business Source Premier - An external link that will bring you directly to Bloomberg: Business Week's section on Business Source Premier.

Eurwork: The European Observatory of Working Life
A European news outlet reporting on working conditions and sustainable work, and industrial relations and social dialogue.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital magazine articles
- Political stance: Leaning-Left
- Topics covered: working conditions and sustainable work, industrial relations and social dialogue, employment and labour markets, living conditions and quality of life

Harvard Business Review
Publishes topics on business strategy, general management, technology, leadership, human resources, and innovation.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital magazine articles
- Political stance: Centre
- Topics covered: managing yourself, leadership, strategy, managing teams, gender, innovation, work-life balance
Access the Harvard Business Review via Business Source Premier - An external link that will bring you directly to the Harvard Business Review's section on Business Source Premier.

Human Resources Director (AU, NZ, US, Asia)
Concentrates on issues and challenges faced by the HR professional and the industry.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital news articles
- Political stance: Centre-Left
- Topics covered: health, gender, work-life balance, employment relations, travel, business

The HR Digest
An international magazine that provides information on HR resources, HR news, HR tools, and HR best practices.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital magazine articles
- Political stance: Centre-Left
- Topics covered: HR trends and HR strategies

A magazine source that provides in-depth journalism and insight into the most impactful news and trends shaping human resources.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital magazine articles
- Political stance: Centre-Left
- Topics covered: Compliance, Talent, Learning, Company & Benefits, Diversity & Inclusion, HR Management, Technology & Analytics

HR Magazine
Provides daily news, blogs and forums, research, new thinking, best practice and strategic information in HR.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital magazine articles
- Political stance: Centre
- Topics covered: Culture, Diversity and Inclusion, Employee Benefits and Engagement, Employment Law, Global Mobility, Human Capital, Technology, Recruitment, Wellbeing

People Management
UK's HR magazine that covers news, opinions and insight form the HR world.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital magazine articles
- Political stance: Centre-Left
- Topics covered: Health and Wellbeing, Employment Law, Diversity and Inclusion, Recruitment and Retention, Employee Relations, HR Management, Pay and Benefits, Culture and Values

A global information and news provider reporting on business, financial, national (England) and international news.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital news articles
- Political stance: Centre
- Topics covered: World News, Business, Legal, Markets, Technology

U.S Department of Labor
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces more than 180 federal laws.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital news articles
- Political stance: Centre
- Topics covered: Benefits and Savings, Child Labor, Diplomacy, Health Plans and Benefits, International Labor Issues, Labor Relations, Leave Benefits, Unemployment Insurance, Veterans' Employment, Wages, Youth & Labor

The Wall Street Journal
A magazine that chronicles international a wide range of topics such as the economy, tech, business, politics, etc.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Daily broadsheet/digital articles
- Political stance: Centre
- Topics covered: World, US, Politics, Economy, Business, Technology, Markets
Access The Wall Street Journal via the University of Toronto Libraries' LibrarySearch - An external link that will bring you directly to The Wall Street Journal's section on UTL's website.
Non-Government Organization (NGO) News
Coalition of Labor Union Women
A nonprofit organization seeking to bridge the feminist movement and the labour movement in the united states.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital news articles
- Political stance: Left-Leaning
- Topics covered: Leadership and Local Chapters
Human Rights Watch
An international NGO that conducts research and advocacy on human rights.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital news articles
- Political stance: Centre-Left
- Topics covered: Arms, Business, Children's Rights, Climate change, Crisis and Conflict, Disability Rights, Free Speech, Health, LGBT Rights, Refugees and Migrants, Rights of Older People, International Justice, Technology and Rights, Terrorism and Counterterrorism, Torture, United Nations, Women's rights

International Labor Rights Forum
A nonprofit human rights organization that advances dignity and justice for workers in the global economy
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital news articles
- Political stance: Left-Leaning
- Topics covered: Child Labor, Forced Labor, Health and Safety, Living Wage, Migrant Labor, Right to Organize and Bargain, Women's Rights

International Organization of Employers
IOE is the sole representative of business in social and employment policy debates taking place in the ILO, across the UN, G20 and other emerging forums.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital news articles
- Political stance: Left-Leaning
- Topics covered: Business Networks, Regions, International Organizations, Policy Priorities and Areas

International Organization for Migration
An organization a part of the UN that provides services and advice concerning migration to governments and migrants, including internally displaced persons, refuges, and migrant workers.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Digital news articles
- Political stance: Left-Leaning
- Topics covered: Boarder Management, Internal Displacement, Technology and Innovation, Global Inequalities, Return and Reintegration, Missing Migrants, Children, Detention Centers, Trafficking, Labor Migration

International Trade Union Confederation
Their primary mission is the promotion and defense of workers’ rights and interests, through international cooperation between trade unions, global campaigning and advocacy within the major global institutions.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Online news articles
- Political stance: Left Leaning
- Topics covered: Child Labor and Forced Labor, Climate Change, Development, Gender-Based Violence at Work, Global Economy, Human and Trade Union Rights, Migration, Sports and Rights, Women, Youth

Irish Congress of Trade Unions
The organization for Ireland supporting trade unions.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Online news articles
- Political stance: Left-Leaning
- Topics covered: Conferences, Demonstrations, Economy, Education, Environment, Equality, Health and Safety, historical Events, Housing, Industrial Relations, International, Social Policy, Workplace Rights

Justice In Motion
An organization dedicated in addressing a growing crisis in our globalizing economy by protecting the rights of migrant workers.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Online press releases and repository of news sites with relevant HR articles
- Political stance: Left-Leaning
- Topics covered: Immigration and migration, Environment, Human Trafficking, Health and Safety, Family Separation, Children, Politics

A charity that provides support for migrant domestic workers by helping them access and improve their labor rights.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Self-Publication
- Political stance: Left-Leaning
- Topics covered: Domestic worker rights, Migration and immigration, Slavery

World Economic Forum
An international NGO that that works towards global cooperation on the major economic and social issues of the day.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Self-Publication
- Political stance: Centre
- Topics covered: Climate change, Health and Safety, Technology and Innovation, Education, World, Workforce and Employment, Trade, Gender, Economics, Business

The World Health Organization
An agency of the UN that is responsible for international public health.
Resource Highlights:
- Publication type: Statement, Press and Media Release, Highlights, Feature Story
- Political stance: Centre
- Topics covered: Health and Safety