
Danielle Smith’s Fraser Forum
Hosted by Danielle Smith, Produced by the Fraser Institute
“As a University of Calgary graduate with degrees in Economics and English, Danielle has had a lifelong interest in Alberta public policy and finding the right balance between free enterprise and individual freedom, and the role of government.” - Fraser Institute
Episode Highlights:
- Where is the Line?: minimum wage and poverty rates in Canada
- Measuring Impact: climate policy, natural disasters, and the role of the energy market in Canada
- Market Knows Best: the economics of Canada’s environmental policy and land use

Hosted by University of Toronto Professor Clémentine Van Effenterre
“What is the most unequal region of the world? How deep does gender discrimination run in our societies? What happens to poor households during a housing boom? How is land distributed today? How can minimum wage reduce racial inequality? Can we really expect politicians to fix inequality? InequaliTalks presents accessible research done by young economists on one of the most pressing issues in the public conversation: inequality.” - InequaliTalks
Episode Highlights:

Level the Playing Field
Produced by Ontario’s Pay Equity Office
“Welcome to Level the Paying Field where we explore issues related to economics, equity, women, work and money. This series of conversations explores topics impacting women working in Ontario and is published by Ontario’s Pay Equity Office. Through this series, we hope to elevate the equity conversation to make the world a more equitable place for women to work, live, and thrive, and support closing the gender wage gap.” - Level the Playing Field
Episode Highlights:
- Technology and Gender-Based Inequality
- Women, Work, and Inequity and Women of the Pandemic
- Women of Colour in the Workplace

Dollar and Sense
Hosted by David Dollar, Produced by Brookings Institution
“From local ports and markets to international trade and diplomacy, Brookings Institution Senior Fellow David Dollar and guests explain how our global trading system is built and its effect on our everyday lives.” - Brookings Institution
Episode Highlights:
- Industrial decline and the rise of populists in Russia, the U.S., and Britain
- How will the rise of the global middle class affect trade and consumption?
- Market-based solutions to climate change have failed to deliver

Economics & Beyond
Hosted by Rob Johnson, Produced by the Institute for New Economic Thinking
“Founded in the wake of the financial crisis in 2009, the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization devoted to developing and sharing the ideas that can repair our broken economy and create a more equal, prosperous, and just society. To meet current and future challenges, we conduct and commission research, convene forums for exchanging ideas, develop curricula, and nurture a global community of young scholars.” - INET ‘About Us’
Episodes Highlight:
- We Need a Resilient Society
- How Do We Create the Financial Conditions for a Green New Deal?
- Myths and Landmarks in US Economic History

Sustaining Capitalism
Produced by the Conference Board US
“What are the biggest issues facing the American economy and how can they be solved? Join experts from the Committee for Economic Development for non-partisan, fact-based policy responses to pressing economic, educational, and social issues.” - Conference Board US
Episode Highlights:
- CED’s Shareholder vs. Stakeholder Capitalism [Ongoing Sub-series]
- US Labor Markets and Policy Implications [Ongoing Sub-series]

Creating Markets
Produced by the International Finance Corporation
“The International Finance Corporation (IFC) introduces its new podcast Creating Markets. If you’re curious about private businesses in developing countries and investment opportunities in emerging markets, this podcast is for you.” - IFC
Episode Highlights:
- How Creative Financing can Connect Africa - featuring Andile Ngcaba
- Decentralizing Health Care in Ghana - Featuring Redbird’s Patrick Beattie
- The business of 'exceptional outcomes' in Latin America

Vox Talks
Produced by the Centre for Economic Policy Research
“ – CEPR’s policy portal – was set up in June 2007 to promote "research-based policy analysis and commentary by leading economists". Vox's audience consists of economists working in the public sector, private sector, academia and media – as well as students of economics in the broad sense. Vox columns cover all fields of economics broadly defined.” - VoxEU ‘About Us’
Episode Highlights:
- Rethinking financial globalisation
- Pension reform and the incentive to work
- Whatever happened to the 15-hour work week

Weekly Economics Podcast
Hosted by Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Produced by the New Economics Foundation
“Award-winning podcast about the economic forces shaping our world, with Ayeisha Thomas-Smith and guests. Brought to you by the New Economics Foundation – the independent think tank and charity campaigning for a fairer, sustainable economy.” - New Economics Foundation
Episode Highlights: