Selected Books from University of Toronto Libraries
Publication Date: 2014-04-30 |
The Promise and Limits of Private Power by Richard M. Locke Publication Date: 2013-04-22 |
Government, Non-Government Organizations and Academic Resources
Asian Development Bank
A multilateral financial institution "dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific". Objectives include social protection, poverty reduction and gender development.
Canada . Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Site provides links to official documents, agreements and decisions relevant to Canadian trade and export/import activities, including NAFTA, FTAA, and the WTO GATT and GATS agreements. Includes special sections on the Softwood Lumber dispute, Textile and Clothing, Steel Industry, Agriculture.
Canada . HRSDC. International Labour Affairs section
The International Labour Affairs section includes Canada 's role in the ILO, and International Agreements on Labour Cooperation, including the role of Canada 's Labour Minister in the North American Agreement on Labour Cooperation (NAALC).
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs
"The Carnegie Council is an independent, nonprofit educational institution with no formal ties to any religious group or government-affiliated organization". The group has a broad range of international interests, including human rights and economic issues.
Commission for Labor Cooperation
An international organization created under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC), consisting of a secretariat to support the Council of Ministers, (the Ministers of Labour from Canada, Mexico and the U.S.)
Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) official website
Globalization and Labor Standards (GALS)
Provides abstracts of recent articles from English language law journals in an annotated bibliography. Topics include Codes of Conduct, child labor, NAFTA, WTO, forced labor, trade, and women's rights.
Inter American Development Bank Research Department
The IADB is one of the supporting agencies of the FTAA. The site provides information about labour, economics and trade, poverty and income distribution, social services, state and institutional reform in Latin America and the Caribbean.
International Labor Organization (ILO)
An agency of the United Nations, the ILO "formulates international labour standards in the form of Conventions and Recommendations setting minimum standards of basic labour rights: freedom of association, the right to organize, collective bargaining, abolition of forced labour, equality of opportunity and treatment, and other standards regulating conditions across the entire spectrum of work related issues." Sections of interest:
- International Labour Standards
- International Program on the Elimination of Child Labour
- A Fair Globalization, Making it Happen
International Institute for Labour Studies (IIILS)
A research and education organization within the ILO with a focus including "decent work", labour market conditions, non-standard work, and gender.
International Monetary Fund publications
John F. Henning Center for International Labor Relations, Institute for Industrial Relations, University of California at Berkeley
An excellent source of information, including links to related websites; bibliography of articles re labor and globalization; examples of model language for codes of conduct; and research articles from the Center.
NAFTA Secretariat Official website
Site includes national sections, text of dispute resolution decisions, text of legal documents and agreements.
Organization of American States (OAS) Foreign Trade Information System
Comprehensive source of information and official documents, treaties and rulings related to trade in North and South America . Includes Caricom, Mercosur, WTO-GATT, NAFTA and the FTAA process.
Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC)
U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of International Labour Affairs
Includes an International Child Labour Program, and an Office of International Economic Affairs, which advises on international trade policy and assists in negotiating & administering international trade agreements.
U.S. Office of the United States Trade Representative
A comprehensive gateway to U.S. trade information and documents. Includes a press office with official documents of the office.
World Economic Forum
"A collaborative framework for the world's leaders to address global issues, engaging particularly its corporate members in global citizenship."
WTO Documents Online
Includes all official documents, legal texts and dispute settlements regarding the General Agreement on Trade (GATT) and the General Agreement on Trade (Services) (GATS).
Online Documents
Free Trade Area of the Americas Agreement (3rd Draft, Nov. 2003)
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
North American Agreement on Labour Cooperation (NAALC) 1993
A supplementary agreement of the Free Trade Agreement between Canada , U.S. and Mexico.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) ( Canada , U.S. and Mexico)
WTO Uruguay Round Agreements (1994) (Including GATT, GATS)
Labour and Social Justice Groups
Asia Monitor Resource Center
AMRC "is an independent non-government organization which focuses on Asian labour concerns." Site includes current & archived issues of Asian Labour Update.
Citizens Trade Campaign
"National coalition of environmental, labor, consumer, family farm, religious, and other civil society groups founded in 1992 during the fight over the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)." Based in the U.S."
Clean Clothes Campaign
Information and online documents re the global garment industry.
Council of Canadians (Canada)
Broad mandate, but trade is a central concern. Includes free downloadable text of Making the Links: A Citizen's Guide to the WTO and the FTAA by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke.
A joint program of the Corporate Europe Observatory and the Transnational Institute, to encourage networking against the General Agreement on Trade (Services). Based in the Netherlands.
Global Exchange: Economic Rights
"An international human rights organization dedicated to promoting political, social and environmental justice globally." Based in San Francisco.
Global Trade Watch by Public Citizen
"GTW works on an array of globalization issues, including health and safety, environmental protection, economic justice, and democratic, accountable governance."
International Forum on Globalization
"An alliance of sixty leading activists, scholars, economists, researchers and writers formed to stimulate new thinking, joint activity, and public education in response to economic globalization."
International Labor Rights Fund
An advocacy organization which promotes "enforcement of labor rights internationally through public education and mobilization, research, litigation, legislation, and collaboration with labor, government and business groups."
International Centre for Trade Union Rights (ICTUR)
An "independent forum for discussion and debate between trade unionists, labour lawyers and academics worldwide."
International Trade Union Confederation
Our World is Not for Sale
"A loose grouping of organizations, activists and social movements worldwide fighting against the current model of corporate globalization embodied in global trading systems. OWINFS is committed to a sustainable, socially just, democratic and accountable multilateral trading system."
Resource Centre of the
"Working for human rights in the global economy".
Workers Rights Consortium
Assists in enforcing manufacturing Codes of Conduct to ensure that factories producing clothing and other goods bearing college and university names respect the basic rights of workers.