IR and HR Journals

What's on This Page

A list of journals organized alphabetically available online or in print about the areas of Industrial Relations and Human Resources. These journals are primarily accessed through the University of Toronto Library website.

A - H | I - J | K - Z

Categories on this page include:

  • Collective Bargaining
  • Compensation, Wages, Pension Plans & Benefits
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Economics
  • Employment Relations
  • Globalization
  • Human Resource Management
  • Industrial Organization
  • Industrial Psychology
  • Industrial Relations
  • Labour & Employment Relations
  • Labour Laws & Legislation
  • Labour Markets
  • Labour Policy
  • Labour Relations
  • Labour Unions
  • Management
  • Organization Management
  • Organizational Culture
  • Personnel Management
  • Work & Society


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Industrial & Labor Relations Review (Cornell)

"The Industrial & Labor Relations Review is a leading interdisciplinary journal, broad in scope and international in its coverage of work and employment issues. Relevant topics include the organization of work, the nature of employment contracts, human resource management, employment relations, conflict management and dispute resolution, labor market dynamics and policies, labor and employment law, and employee attitudes and behaviors at work." - JSTOR

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1947 - current

Volume years currently available in print at the IRHR Library: v. 8 - 26 (1972/73)

Subject keywords: Work Organization, Human Resource Management, Globalization, Labour Regulations

Industrial Relations Journal

"Industrial Relations Journal is a cutting edge, research based, peer reviewed publication focusing on the changing nature, forms and regulation of the employment relationship. With a strong international embrace, the Journal has been at the forefront of the contemporary analysis of state, capital and labour relations in a period of crisis and institutional flux. It aims to lift the quality of academic and policy debate through the publication of theoretically and historically grounded studies of the shifting character of industrial relations in the twenty first century." - Wiley Online Library

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1970 - current

Subject keywords: Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations Management, Industrial Relations Law, Labour Relations

Industrial Relations/Relations Industrielles (Laval)

"Articles and book reviews about national and international labor issues including dispute resolution, collective bargaining, employee relations and laws." - Business Source Premier 

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1983 - 2022

Volume years currently available in print at the IRHR Library: v. 12 (1957) - 24; 26 (1971) - 28 (1973). INDEXES: v. 1 - 25 (1945 - 70)

Subject keywords: Industrial Relations, Dispute Resolution, Collective Bargaining, Personnel Management

Industrial Relations: a Journal of Economy and Society (University of California, Berkeley)

"Corporate restructuring and downsizing, the changing employment relationship in union and nonunion settings, high performance work systems, the demographics of the workplace, and the impact of globalization on national labor markets - these are just some of the major issues covered in Industrial Relations. The journal offers an invaluable international perspective on economic, sociological, psychological, political, historical, and legal developments in labor and employment. It is the only journal in its field with this multidisciplinary focus on the implications of change for business, government and workers." - WIley Online Library

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1964 - current

Volume years currently available in print at the IRHR Library: v.1 (1961/62) - v.51 (2012)

Subject keywords: Industrial Relations, Labour & Employment Relations, Industrial Psychology, Globalization

International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations

"Covers significant international issues in comparative labor law and industrial relations, including legislation, case law and discussions of public policy." - Scholars Portal Journals

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1985 - 2017 

Volume years currently available in print at the IRHR Library:  v.8: no.2 (1992) - v. 27: no. 4 (2011)

Subject keywords: Labour Laws & Legislations, Industrial Relations

International Journal of Human Resource Management

"The International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM) is the forum for human resource management (HRM) scholars and professionals worldwide. IJHRM publishes papers that cover any aspect of people management that are relevant to the field. IJHRM welcomes papers that are based in any discipline – for example organizational behavior, occupational psychology or labour economics – as long as there is a clear link to the HRM literature and that they develop strong implications for HR practice." - Taylor & Francis Online

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1990 - current

Volume years currently available in print at the IRHR Library:  Volume 5, no. 1(February 1994) - volume 26, nos. 21 - 22 (December 2015)

Subject keywords: Strategic Human Resource Management, Workers' Voice and Representation, Employment Relations, Organizational Culture

International Journal of Industrial Organization

"The IJIO is an international venture that aims at full coverage of theoretical and empirical questions in industrial organization. This includes classic questions of strategic behavior and market structure. The journal also seeks to publish articles dealing with technological change, internal organization of firms, regulation, antitrust and productivity analysis." - Science Direct

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1983 - current

Subject keywords: Industrial Organization, Industrial Policy, Organizational Behaviour

International Journal of Manpower

“Covers key issues in the development of manpower planning and economics and their practical applications.” - Scholars Portal Journal  

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1980 - current

Volume years currently available in print at the IRHR Library: Volume 13, no. 1 (1992) - Volume 35, no. 8 (2014)

Subject keywords: Labour Economics, Personnel Management, Economics of Labour Markets, Human Resource Management

International Labour Review

“The International Labour Review (ILR) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal of international scope in labour and employment studies. The ILR aims to advance academic research and inform policy debate and decision-making in all fields related to the world of work, such as economics, law, industrial relations, social policy, sociology and history, by publishing and bringing together the original thinking of academics and experts in those fields.” - Wiley Online Library 

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1965 - 2022

Subject keywords: Labour laws & legislation, Employment, Social Policy, Industrial Relations

International Union Rights

“International Union Rights is the journal of the International Centre for Trade Union Rights, an international organisation founded in 1987 that brings together a global network of expertise on international law, trade union rights, human rights, and industrial relations in order to defend, extend, and raise awareness of trade union rights and their violations worldwide.” - Project Muse

Volume years available online via electronic access: 2009 - current

Subject keywords: Labour laws & legislation, Industrial Relations, Labour Unions

Ivey Business Journal

"Ivey Business Journal (IBJ) is a resource for business professionals and students read in more than 150 countries by an audience primarily comprised of C-suite executives, corporate directors, managers and academics The IBJ publishes exclusive executive interviews along with a mix of feature articles and IBJ Insights written by a global cadre of business professionals and thought leaders." - Ivey Business Journal

Volume years available online via electronic access: 2002 - 2023.

Subject keywords: Commerce, Economic History

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Journal of Collective Negotiations (continues Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector)

"Journal of Collective Negotiations, published by Sage Publications (formerly Baywood Press), answers the need for a penetrating look at collective bargaining, and serves as a forum for the interchange of ideas and information among the international community of individuals concerned with the negotiations process." - CLOCKSS

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1999 - 2008

Volume years currently available in print at the IRHR Library: SERIALS - COL from: 31 2006 until:32 2008

Subject keywords: Collective Bargaining, Collective Negotiations, Organized Labour

Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector (continues Journal of Collective Negotiations)

"Provides a forum for the interchange of ideas and information on collective negotiations for public employees among the international community of individuals concerned with the negotiations process; emphasis on practical ideas" - Business Source Premier

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1993 - 2008

Volume years currently available in print at the IRHR Library: SERIALS - COL from: 14 1985 until: 30 2003

Subject Keywords: Collective Bargaining, Collective Negotiations, Organized Labour

Journal of Compensation & Benefits

"The Journal of Compensation and Benefits examines major issues affecting compensation and benefits. It reports on activity by Congress, federal and state courts, and regulatory agencies, and provides a strong focus on what's new in executive compensation." - Thomson Reuters

Volume years currently available in print at the IRHR LibraryMarch - April (1995) - volume 28, no. 5 (September/October 2012)

Subject Keywords: Employee Fringe Benefits, Wages, Compensation & Benefits, Pension Plans

Journal of Human Resources

"The Journal of Human Resources examines labor, health, education, welfare, and retirement issues. Focused on policy implications, JHR is intended for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners. The journal includes rigorous and policy-relevant articles along with a communication section that provides up-to-the-minute, short, professional dialogue." - JSTOR

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1966 - current

Subject Keywords: Economics (Labour, Health, Education, Development), Policy, Discrimination, Retirement

Journal of Industrial Relations

"The Journal of Industrial Relations publish rigorous qualitative and multi-method analyses, including theoretically-informed case studies and international and comparative papers. Contributions examining traditional and emerging actors and institutions in industrial relations, as well as studies addressing the intersection of the workplace, family, community and the state." SAGE Journals 

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1959 - current

Volume years currently available in print at the IRHR Library: Volume 10, no. 3 (November 1968) - volume 53, no. 5 (November 2011)

Subject Keywords: Industrial Relations (Australia + International), Global Development

Journal of Labour Economics

“Since 1983, the Journal of Labor Economics (JOLE) has presented international research on issues affecting social and private behavior, and the economy. JOLE’s contributors investigate various aspects of labor economics, including supply and demand of labor services, personnel economics, distribution of income, unions and collective bargaining, applied and policy issues in labor economics, and labor markets and demographics.” - JSTOR 

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1983 - current

Subject Keywords: Labour Economics, Labour Markets, Personnel Economics, Collective Bargaining

Journal of Labour Policy

“The IZA Journal of Labor Policy publishes scientific articles that are relevant for policy-making. This refers to papers addressing the impact of institutional settings and policy interventions on labor market outcomes, both from a theoretical as well as from an empirical point of view. In addition, the IZA Journal of Labor Policy publishes literature reviews and meta-analyses that synthesize existing research on policy relevant issues.” - Sciendo 

Volume years available online via electronic access: 2012 - 2019

Subject Keywords: Economic Policy, Employment Policies, Labour Economics, Population Economics

Journal of Labour Research

"The Journal of Labor Research provides an outlet for original research on all aspects of behavior affecting labor market outcomes.  The Journal provides a forum for both empirical and theoretical research on the U.S. and international labor markets, and labor/employment issues. Issues relating to labor markets and employment relations, including labor demand and supply, personnel economics, unions and collective bargaining, employee participation, dispute resolution, labor market policies, types of employment relationships and the interplay between labor market variables and various economic outcomes are published by the Journal." - Springer

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1980 - 2022. 

Volume years currently available in print at the IRHR Library: Volume 1, no. 1 (Spring 180) - volume 33, no. 2 (Spring 2012).

Subject Keywords: Labour Unions, Labour Economics, Industrial Relations, Human Resources

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

"The Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology aims to increase understanding of people and organisations at work including:

• industrial, organizational, work, vocational and personnel psychology
• behavioural and cognitive aspects of industrial relations
• ergonomics and human factors
• industrial sociology" - The British Psychological Society

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1992 - 2023

Subject Keywords: Personnel Management, Industrial Psychology, Applied Psychology, Organizational Studies

Journal of Vocational Behaviour

"The Journal of Vocational Behavior publishes original empirical and theoretical articles that contribute novel insights to the fields of career choice, career development, and work adjustment across the lifespan and which are also valuable for applications in counseling and career development programs in colleges and universities, business and industry, government, and the military." - Science Direct

Volume years available online via electronic access: 1971 - current

Subject Keywords: Occupations, Organization Management, Career Development

Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society

“Just Labour is an initiative of the Centre for Research on Work and Society (CRWS), an organized research unit of York University. The CRWS was established in 1990 to address issues facing workers arising from the volatile transformation of the Canadian workplace.” - Just Labour 

Volume years available online via electronic access: 2002 - 2014 

Subject Keywords: Labour Unions, Labour Policy, Management, Work & Society

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