Labour Film Database

What's on This Page

The Labor Film Database lists thousands of films and videos, searchable by title, director, actors and/or keywords (see search window at right). We’ve also categorized the database (at right, below “Categories”) and you can check out our tag cloud (also at right) to make it easier to find films and videos about the topics you’re interested in. Many of the entries also include trailers, film stills and distributor contact info.

Some of the Labor Film Databases titles are also available for online viewing, these include:

  • From the Land of Gandhi

    "A story of 4 high-skilled immigrants from India, a decade after they came to study in the United States, which places a human face to high-skilled immigration. The film also highlights the need for reforming America’s legal immigration at a time of intense globalization and retirement of the baby boomers."

  • Life on the Line

    "After a family tragedy, Beau Ginner rises to be foreman in a Texas lineman team, upgrading overhead power cables and preventing disasters. However, there is friction when his college-bound niece Bailey’s on-off boyfriend Duncan joins the crew, while another new recruit is hiding PTSD symptoms."

  • Prescription for Change

    "Traditionally female, underpaid and under-appreciated. This documentary presents a rare behind-the-scenes look at nursing. Produced over ten years ago – before prime-time’s ER and CHICAGO HOPE – this documentary has a clear feminist perspective and continues to be refreshing and relevant."

  • The Price of Free

    "The story of how Kailash Satyarthi launched a built a global movement to rescue children from slavery."

  • Stranger With A Camera

    "In the coal-mining heart of Appalachia’s 'poverty belt,' where residents have felt alternately aided and assaulted by media exposure, the 1967 murder of filmmaker Hugh O’Connor still stirs strong community feelings."