Research centres and professional associations

What's on This Page

This list of resources highlights research centres and professional associations that are located nationally and internationally. This resource can be used to understand the vast scope of IR and HR. 

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American Management Association 
American Society for Training and Development  
Atlantic Provinces Economic Council


British Universities Industrial Relations Association
Broadbent Institute
Business Council of British Columbia


C.D. Howe Institute
Caledon Institute of Social Policy
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Canadian Climate Institute  
Canadian Council of Human Resources Associations
Canadian Council on Social Development
Canadian Employment Research Forum
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Canadian Global Affairs Institute
Canadian Industrial Relations Association
Centre for International Governance Innovation
Canadian International Labour Network
Canadian Labour and Business Centre
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
Canadian Policy Research Networks (CPRN)
Canadian Society for Training and Development
Canadian Telework Association
Canadian Urban Institute 
Canadian West Foundation 
Cardus (formerly Work Research Foundation)
Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement - Toronto (CERIS)
Centre for International Sustainable Development Law
Centre for Labour Management Relations (Ryerson University)
Centre for Research on Work and Society (York University)
Centre for the Study of Education and Work (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto)
Centre for Social Justice
Centre for the Study of Living Standards
Conference Board of Canada
Conference Board U.S.A.


Economic Policy Institute
Employee Benefit Research Institute


Fraser Institute


Genuine Progressive Index for Atlantic Canada


HRMS Professionals Association
Human Resource Planning Society


Institute for Research on Public Policy
International Association for Human Resource Information Management (IHRIM)
International Association of Facilitators
International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA)
International Institute for Labour Studies (ILO)
International Institute for sustainable development
International Personnel Management Association - Canada
International Quality and Productivity Center (IQPC)


Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA)
Labor Archives and Research Center, San Francisco State University



MIT Workplace Center (Sloan School of Management)


National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
North American Human Resource Management Association
Northern Policy Institute 


Ottawa Human Resource Professionals Association 
Ottawa Region Rewards Association


Parkland Institute
Pembina Institute


Rotman Institute for International Business 


Second Street  
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Social Research and Demonstration Corporation 
Strategic Capability Network (formerly Canadian Human Resource Planners)


The Institute for Performance and Learning 
The Mackenzie Institute
The Vanier Institute of the Family 
Toronto Board of Trade


Wellesley Institute
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
WorldatWork (formerly American Compensation Association)
World Federation of Personnel Management Associations