Data Sets

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A collection of public open data repositories of general, international, and provincial data sets and reports on various IRHR topics. These data repositories house a collection of datafiles, documentations, and reports.


Canadian Institute for Health Information

The CIHI grants access to a series of free, publicly available reports that provide aggregate-level data about health care in Canada. They have a large inventory of health indicators for regions and provinces/territories, which measure the health of Canadians and the performance of health systems. (CIHI, n.d.) 

Statistics Canada Data Centre (Toronto Region)

It is a national network of centers offering secure access to Statistics Canada's detailed microdata including census data, as well as to an increasing number of administrative data sets. They provide survey datasets on workplace and employees, financial security, earned doctorates, apprenticeship, Canadian cancer registry, health surveys, worker files, National Population Health Survey among others. (Toronto Region Statistics Canada Research Data Centre (RDC), n.d.) 

University of Toronto Map & Data Library

Allows for users to access geospatial data, numeric data as well as maps and atlases on a wide range of subjects. (Map and Data Library, n.d.) 

Worker Representation and Participation Survey (Data for Freeman, Richard B. and Joel Rogers, What Workers Want, Cornell ILR Press, 1999)

The survey results consists of two waves which are based on interviews with a nationally representative sample of  who are currently working in private companies or non-profit organizations in the continental United States with 25 or more employees. (Worker Representation and Participation Survey (WRPS), 2001) 

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International Labour Organization (ILO) Statistics Databases (includes Laboursta (ILO)

Like many institutions, the ILO makes available free and open access to labour statistics such as employment, COVID related employment and lack of it and labour force rates. (ILOSTAT, n.d.) 

U.K. National Economic and Social Data Service (maintained by Universities of Essex and Manchester )

Trusted access and training to use the UK's largest collection of economic, social and population data like Ageing, COVID-19, crime, economics education, environment and energy, ethnicity, food, health housing, information and communication, labour, politics or poverty for research and teaching. They also teach how to understand survey, longitudinal and aggregate data through on-demand training modules in their new Learning hub. (UK Data Service, 2021) 

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Provincial Data Sets

Alberta Open Data

British Columbia Open Data

New Brunswick Open Data

Nova Scotia Open Data

Partenariat Données Québec (Open Data): Please note that this link provides access to datasets in French only.  

Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics Open Data 

Yukon Bureau of Statistics Open Data

Ontario Economic Statistics Open Data (Ontario Ministry of Finance)   

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City of Boston

With 231 datasets, the City of Boston provides us with open source data about the following topics: Geospatial, City Services, Environment, Finance, Public Safety, Transportation, Facilities, Permitting, Economy, Public Health, Public Property, Demographics, Education, Housing. Most of these datasets come in different formats including xlsx, csv, Geo JSON, HTML and KML which make it easy for the user to download and analyze. (Analyze Boston, n.d.) 

The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research

The Roper Center archive consists of over 35,000 studies with approximately 25,000 datasets from public opinion surveys dating back to the 1930s. Approximately 60% of these were conducted in the United States. These studies cover a vast variety of topics including work and labor. It hosts the Rutger’s Work Trends Series, which is dedicated to raising the effectiveness of the American workplace by strengthening workforce education, placement and training programs and policies.(Roper Center, Cornell University, 2023)

U.S. National Opinion Research Centre General Social Survey

The General Social Survey (GSS) is a nationally representative survey of adults in the United States conducted since 1972 that contains data are of the highest possible quality. The GSS collects data on contemporary American society in order to monitor and explain trends in opinions, attitudes and behaviors. The GSS is the single best source for sociological and attitudinal trend data covering the United States. Among the topics covered for data are civil liberties, crime and violence, intergroup tolerance, morality, national spending priorities, psychological well-being, social mobility, and stress and traumatic events. The GSS aims to make high-quality data easily accessible to scholars, students, policy-makers, and others, with minimal cost and waiting. (GSS General Social Survey, 2021) 

U.S. Union Membership & Coverage Database

The Union Membership and Coverage Database is an Internet data resource providing private and public sector labour union membership, coverage, and density estimates compiled from the monthly household Current Population Survey (CPS) using BLS methods.  Economy-wide estimates are provided beginning in 1973; estimates by state, detailed industry, and detailed occupation begin in 1983; and estimates by metropolitan area begin in 1986.  The Database is updated annually. (Union Membership and Coverage Database, 2021) 

W.E. Upjohn Institute Employment Research Data Centre

The Upjohn Institute serves as the data repository for many research and evaluation projects sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor. Datasets include An Analysis Of UI Recipients and Unemployment Spells, Assisting Unemployment Insurance Claimants: The Long-term, Impact of the Job Search Assistance Demonstration, Continuous Longitudinal Manpower Surveys, Evaluating The Effectiveness of Active Labor Programs in Hungary, Evaluating The Effectiveness of Labor Programs in Poland, Evaluation of Short-time Compensation Programs, Public Workforce System Dataset, Strengthening the Connections Between Unemployment Insurance and the One-Stop Delivery Systems Demonstration Projects in Wisconsin among others. (Employment Research Data Center, n.d.) 

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