
What's on This Page

A list of national and international statistics databases highlighting relevant statistical facts on topics such as demographics and population, education, health, housing justice, etc.

Canadian Census

Canadian Census 1996 (see also Statistics Canada)

The census is designed to provide information about people and housing units in Canada by their demographic, social and economic characteristics. The census also provides information about the characteristics of the population and its housing within small geographic areas and for small population groups to support planning, administration, policy development and evaluation activities of governments at all levels, as well as data users in the private sector. The subjects include Aboriginal peoples, commuting to work, education, training and learning, employment and unemployment, ethnic diversity and immigration, families, households and housing, globalization and the labour market, income, pensions, spending and wealth, industries, labour, languages, occupations, population and demography, population estimates and projections as well as unpaid work. (1996 Census of Canada, 2019) 

Canada Census 2001 (see also Statistics Canada)

A detailed statistical portrait of Canada and its people by their demographic, social and economic characteristics. The census is designed to provide information about people and housing units in Canada by their demographic, social and economic characteristics. The census also provides information about the characteristics of the population and its housing within small geographic areas and for small population groups to support planning, administration, policy development and evaluation activities of governments at all levels, as well as data users in the private sector. The subjects include Aboriginal peoples, commuting to work, education, training and learning, employment and unemployment, ethnic diversity and immigration, families, households and housing, globalization and the labour market, income, pensions, spending and wealth, industries, labour, languages, occupations, population and demography, population estimates and projections as well as unpaid work. (2001 Census of Canada, 2019) 

Canada Census 2006 (see also Statistics Canada)

The 2006 Census offers a wide range of analysis and data according to topics that paint a portrait of Canada including Aboriginal peoples, Age and sex, Education (including educational attainment), Ethnic origin and visible minorities, Families and households, Housing and shelter costs, Immigration and citizenship, Income and earnings, Labour (including labour market activity, industry and occupation), Language (including language of work), Marital status (including common-law status), Mobility and migration, Place of work and commuting to work (including mode of transportation), and population and dwelling counts. (2006 Census Release Topics, 2016) 

Canada Census 2011 (see also Statistics Canada) 

The Canadian Census program offers comprehensive data  on a wide range of topics that include Aboriginal Peoples, Age and sex, Agriculture, Education and Labour, Families, Households and marital status, Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity, Income and Housing, Language, Mobility and migration, Population and dwelling counts as well as structural type of dwelling and collectives on the Canadian people in 2011. (2011 Census of Population Program, 2017)

Canada Census 2016 (see also Statistics Canada) 

The Canadian Census program offers comprehensive data  on a wide range of topics that include Aboriginal Peoples, Age and sex, Agriculture, Education and Labour, Families, Households and marital status, Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity, Income and Housing, Language, Mobility and migration, Population and dwelling counts as well as structural type of dwelling and collectives on the Canadian people in 2016. (2016 Census of Population, 2021) 

Canadian Census

The Census Program provides a statistical portrait of the country every five years. The Census Program includes the Census of Population and the Census of Agriculture. It includes the census dictionary as well as fact sheets and technical reports. (Census of Population, 2021) 


This provides data on the COVID-19 situation by exploring key economic trends and social challenges that arise as the COVID-19 situation evolves. It covers a wide range of topics such as agriculture and food, business and consumer services and culture, business performance and ownership, children and youth, construction, Canada, province or territory, geographical region of Canada, census metropolitan area and census metropolitan area. 

Statistics Canada

The agency provides key information on Canada's economy, society and environment in every subsection possible. (Statistics Canada, 2021) 

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Alberta Statistics (Office of Statistics and Information (OSI))

Alberta Statistics provides information on geographical and geospatial statistics, social and community statistics, indigenous community data, economic and population statistics of the province of Alberta. (Office of Statistics and Information, 2021) 

British Columbia

British Columbia Statistics  

You can obtain statistical information on B.C. population projections (people, population and community), historical Census data or the latest labour force statistics (employment and labour market force-annual averages and forecasts), Business, Industry & Trade, Economy (gross domestic product, consumer price index, housing starts and more), government (government data regarding the public service workforce, the justice system and more), nature and environment. (British Columbia Statistics, 2020)


Manitoba Bureau of  Statistics

The MBS is the government’s central statistics agency, responsible for the compilation, management, analysis, coordination and dissemination of economic, demographic and social statistics for the province of Manitoba. MBS collaborates with departments and agencies to address data and statistical requirements. Here you can find data in Business, Industry and Trade, Clean Economy Wide Statistics, Employment and Labour Market, Forecasting & Modelling. (Manitoba Bureau of  Statistics, n.d.) 

New Brunswick

New Brunswick  

The New Brunswick Finance and Treasury Board gives the public access to important data including  Annual Indicators, Demographic Census, National Household Survey (NHS), Labour Force, Income, GDP, Prices, Public and Private Investment, Retail Trade, Exports, Industry, Social Indicators and Health data tables" as well as census highlights of 2006, 2011 and 2016 while the open data portal has a wider range of information that covers "geographic, environment, government, business and economy and energy and resource" datasets among others. (Government of New Brunswick, 2019)

Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland & Labrador Statistics Agency

The Newfoundland & Labrador Statistics Agency is the official Statistical Focal Point for Statistics Canada. To develop reliable and timely data required for evidence-based policy analysis. There is relevant data and statistical facts on Population and Demographics, Labour Market, Consumer Price Index (Inflation Rate), Census, Minimum Wage, Gross Domestic Product, Industry, Income Support Assistance, Employment Insurance,  Health, Education, Justice, Charitable Donations, Income, Trade and Business, Transportation, Personal and Household Finance, tourism, and the environment. (Newfoundland & Labrador Statistics Agency, n.d.)

Northwest Territories

Northwest Territories Statistics

The Bureau of Statistics also provides a limited statistical service to the general public, to the private sector, and to other governments. They provide statistics required by the government on topics like" economic, social and demographic data like the Economy, Education, Environment, Health, Housing Justice, Labour & Income, Language, Population, Prices & Expenditures, Traditional Activities, Transportation, Census / NHS, Cannabis, Community Data, Poverty Indicators, Profiles and Current Indicators". (NWT Bureau of Statistics, n.d.) 

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Statistics

The Economics and Statistics Division maintains archives of previous publications for accountability purposes, but makes no updates to keep these documents current with the latest data revisions from Statistics Canada. However they do provide updates with reference to their region in terms of Economy, Education, Environment, Health,  Housing Justice, Labour & Income, Language, Population, Prices & Expenditures, Traditional Activities, Transportation, Census / NHS, Cannabis, Community Data. (Nova Scotia Department of Finance - Economics and Statistics, n.d.)


Nunavut Bureau of Statistics

Nunavut Statistics publishes reports on Nunavut-specific information in areas of public interest such as the economy, health and population; and maintains an up-to-date website as a Statistics Canada focal point providing access to national, provincial and territorial statistical information. You may find the following; Population Data: Population Estimates, Migration, Birth, Deaths, Population Projections, Labour Force and Employment Data: Labour and Employment, Social Data: Education, Health, Crime and Justice, Community Fact Sheets, Social Assistance. (Nunavut Quick Facts, 2010)


Ontario Economic statistics (Ontario Ministry of Finance)  

Provides Information on the provinces' economic and fiscal plans and results to the public, prepares the provincial Budget and a mid-year fiscal and economic update (Fall Economic Statement) as well as demographics. (Ontario Economic statistics, n.d.) 

Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island Statistics

Statistics is provided on population and Demographics, Labour Market, Consumer Price Index (Inflation Rate), Census, Minimum Wage, Gross Domestic Product, Industry, Income Support Assistance, Employment Insurance,  Health, Education, Justice, Charitable Donations, Income, Trade and Business, Transportation, Personal and Household Finance, tourism, and the environment with regards to Prince Edward Island. (Economics and Statistics, n.d.)


Quebec (Institut de la statistique Quebec) (in English)

A wide range of themes are covered statistically including Media and Culture, science, technology and innovation, societal and living conditions ,territorial and multi-thematic portraits as well as economics, nature, business and demography. (Institut de la statistique Quebec, 2018) 


Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics 

The Bureau produces regular statistical reports on economic and demographic conditions from a Saskatchewan perspective on Labour Force Survey, Consumer Price Index, Monthly Statistical Review, Population Report, Provincial Economic Accounts, Economic Review and Factsheet. In addition to regular statistical reports, the Bureau can prepare custom statistics and reports. They also have a yearly continuous factsheet which provides high-level socio-economic and demographic information of Saskatchewan. (Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics, n.d.) 


Yukon Bureau of Statistics

The Yukon Bureau of Statistics has teams of professionals who can help you: find the data and information you need; develop and design your survey; collect data using multiple modes of collection; and analyze and model your data. They provide the following data and statistics: Corrections, Education statistics, evaluations and reports, Mapping, Open data, Tourism statistics and reports, Yukon Bureau of Statistics, Access Yukon's key indicators, Census publications, Community statistics, Demographic statistics, Economic statistics, Housing statistics, Labour market statistics, Social statistics. (Yukon Bureau of Statistics, 2021) 

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Eurostat (Statistical Office of the European Communities)

Our mission is to provide high quality statistics and data on Europe. This covers resource standards, dissemination, cooperation in the European Statistical System, macro-economic statistics, government finance statistics (GFS) sectoral and regional statistics, social statistics and business and trade statistics. (Eurostat, n.d.) 

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Statistics portal

The OECD is a hub for reporting on statistics for agriculture , development , education, energy, the environment, finance, innovation and technology, jobs and the society at large. (OECD data, 2021) 

United Kingdom National Statistics Office

Provides statistical figures on major issues as well as a bit of in-depth analysis and comparisons such as benefits, births, death, marriages and care, business and self-employed, childcare and parenting, citizenship and living in the UK, Coronavirus (COVID‑19),crime, justice and the law, disabled people, driving and transport, education and learning, employing people, environment and countryside, housing and local services, money and tax, passports, travel and living abroad, visas and immigration, working, jobs and pensions. (Research and statistics, 2020) 

United States Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Bureau of Labor Statistics measures labor market activity, working conditions, price changes, and productivity in the U.S. economy to support public and private decision making and provides data for these fields. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021) 

United States Census Bureau

The Bureau provides data on the population including age and sex, business and economy, income and poverty, families and living arrangements, housing and geography of the United States, and you can add any topic or geography available to get the tables and maps you may need. (, 2021) 

World Bank Data and Statistics

A great resource for finding data and some sub-national and raw data from surveys. They have huge databases on which almost anything concerning countries and multinational organizations can be found. On here, one can search for indicator names, countries, and topics. You may even at combinations of indicators and countries or multiple countries. They also provide a useful tool, Databank which is an analysis and visualization tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics. You can create your own queries; generate tables, charts, and maps; and easily save, embed, and share them. (World Bank Open Data, 2021) 

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